Your Agency for Amazon PPC Management

Powerful programmatic advertising to give your business an unfair Amazon advantage

Why Choose Online Stores Hub for Amazon PPC Management?

Managing an Amazon business requires time and constant attention to detail. Amazon PPC is one of the largest components of your business that you’ll spend money on. Without a solid plan, good oversight, and exceptional understanding of the system, you’ll overspend. You may become frustrated.

Your business may not grow and thrive as it should. We offer a solution to that

We are Online Stores Hub, a comprehensive management agency specialized in Amazon PPC, ready to help you and your business. We’ve worked to pull in Amazon experts and develop core resources to help each one of our clients receive customized services that surpass their goals.

What Are Your Pain Points?

"Online Stores Hub is comprehensive management agency specialized in Amazon PPC ready to help you and your business. We’ve worked to pull in Amazon experts and develop core resources to help each one of our clients receive customized services that surpass their goals. What are your pain points?

Build foundation for long-term success

Struggling to get sales with your current pay-per-click (PPC) campaign

Build foundation for long-term success

Overspending on your PPC campaign without seeing any return at all

Build foundation for long-term success

Ready to stop and just give up on Amazon PPC and hope for the best

It’s hard to be in that position knowing you have a product that could excel on the platform. Why give up when you just need more help? Our agency is uniquely designed to affordably and effectively help you manage and get the most out of any PPC campaign you run. With Online Stores Hub’s Amazon PPC management services, companies like yours are ensuring their future as a market leader on Amazon. Our expertise, data-backed techniques, and dedication to clients help us develop a comprehensive strategy for your business.

How Does It Work?

What can experts on Amazon PPC management truly do for your business? Once our strategy for your company is launched, you’ll see remarkable benefits for your business. That includes:

Results-Driven Approach

Improve Amazon Sales Through PPC

The bottom line matters most. That comes from improving sales. With our Amazon advertising agency, you’ll see more revenue with each cycle. You will also maximize profits with conversions. That means you are making more money with each and every sale that occurs. We’ll also work with you to lower your Advertising Cost of Spending (ACoS), giving you better returns even when you are spending less on your business’s marketing.

By incorporating our Amazon strategies, you’ll see a significant improvement in your business’s ability to scale over the long term. For many Amazon startups and companies, ineffective PPC management on Amazon can lead to drastic cost overruns that tank the future of that business. This does not have to happen to your company.

Results-Driven Approach

Increase Discoverability of Your Amazon Business

Utilizing our marketing & advertising services for Amazon, it becomes effortless for your would-be customers to find your business and to interact with your company’s products. This is another pain point – no matter how much you spend on your advertising with PPC, if your Amazon business is too hard to find, it will not matter.

To do this, we target the correct keywords to spend your money on the right people. These are people who are most likely to interact with your business and purchase. Instead of trying to convert someone that may have only a passing interest in your product, we’ll target the people who we know are going to be interested in what you have to offer. That’s a core component of success with Amazon SEO practices.

As a component of every Amazon PPC campaign, we’ll work with you to drive the best, relevant shoppers to your listings. If you’ve struggled with people just visiting your page and not making a purchase, it’s possible they are not targeted buyers, or the people who want and need the products you have to offer.

There’s no sense in convincing someone they need something they don’t. Rather, we want to focus on bringing in people who already have some interest or need for what you have to offer and show them it’s the very best solution for them. This is what makes a product listing a success.

Results-Driven Approach

Careful Monitoring of Bidding Strategies

There’s more to Amazon PPC campaign strategy success than just executing a plan and watching it unfold. We put in the hard work to ensure that plan has all of the tools and research it needs to thrive. Then, we stick with it.

The goal is always the same – to make your Amazon business a success. For that to happen, it is critical to have a company by your side working to constantly enable growth.

Results-Driven Approach

Weekly/Bi-Weekly/Monthly Campaign Tracking and Reporting

Another important component of Amazon PPC management is having information. Online Stores Hub doesn’t put your Amazon business on autopilot. We not only stay on top of changes and updates for you, we also communicate what’s happening with our clients as often as possible. This is done through campaign reporting resources.

As a PPC manager on Amazon, Online Stores Hub strives to provide comprehensive and detailed updates on a regular basis. If you’ve ever worked with a company that provided limited information or didn’t deliver results, you don’t need those concerns any longer.

With our transparent feedback on your PPC campaigns, there’s always oversight and achievement. Every time we head into one of these meetings, we want to be able to provide you with the very best information and resources. That’s not possible if we’re not constantly working to help your company excel.

Being able to report success for your business and having the best Amazon PPC strategy in place is something we want to brag to you about during each of these meetings.

What is an Agency for Amazon PPC Management?

Before getting started, it’s important to understand every aspect of Amazon advertising. What is Amazon PPC management? Why do these services really matter to you? Let’s answer these questions.

What makes PPC on Amazon a Complex Model

What Is Amazon PPC?

Amazon PPC is a paid advertising model available to Amazon sellers. An Amazon seller pays a fee for every instance in which a would-be buyer or shopper clicks on their ad. With Amazon PPC, you bring in buyers from various points throughout the site. If someone is browsing a competitor’s product listing or searches for a specific keyword, your paid ad pops up. The goal is to get them to click to your listing instead.

What makes PPC on Amazon a Complex Model

What PPC Campaigns Are Offered?

Amazon offers several types of Pay Per Click campaigns, including Sponsored Display Ads, Sponsored Products, and Sponsored Brands. If you take a few minutes to visit the site and search for a product, you’ll notice the notations “Sponsored” throughout the listing pages and the site overall. These are other Amazon sellers advertising. That’s what you want to do.

What makes PPC on Amazon a Complex Model

What Is Pay Per Click Advertising Able to Do?

It brings in people who may have been drawn to Amazon by another competitor or search for your ad. It increases your ability to sell to that party.

What makes PPC on Amazon a Complex Model

What Makes PPC on Amazon a Complex Model?

The key here is to recognize that PPC is an investment. If you don’t invest in the right resources, you’ll pay a lot of money for little to no results. This is why you need a professional to manage your Amazon PPC campaign.

Why to Invest in Amazon PPC Management

Let’s be frank. Why should you invest in our Amazon PPC management tools and strategies? What are we going to actually do for your business? Let’s break down what Amazon PPC outsourcing through Online Stores Hub means to your business. Our services for Amazon PPC management provide a wide range of resources to help you manage all aspects of Amazon Marketplace advertising. We do the following to ensure success on the Amazon platform for each one of our clients. Online Stores Hub will devise a plan of action for your business. This includes:

Build foundation for long-term success

Provide a full existing campaign audit to determine the strong and weak points

Build foundation for long-term success

Find and understand known competitors, as well as identify new competitors that may put your business at risk

Build foundation for long-term success

Research your business’s industry to gain a solid understanding of who you are and what you do

Dominate E‑Commerce Sales with Our Featured Services

Services Online Stores Hub’s Experts on Amazon PPC Management Provide Your Business

Our goal is to have a solid understanding of what your company is and what it offers. With this knowledge of the landscape, we can then help you make key decisions. Let’s break down what Amazon PPC outsourcing through Online Stores Hub means to your business. Our services for Amazon PPC campaign management provide a wide range of resources to help you manage all aspects of Amazon Marketplace advertising.

Results-Driven Approach

Setup Amazon Campaigns – Complete Pay-Per-Click Campaign Creation

We use all of the research we’ve conducted on your company, including product research and current campaigns, to develop a brand new campaign strategy for your business. This is where we shine. We’ll use all of the data we collected to create an effective strategy for every portion of your campaign.

  • Sponsored product display ads: Sponsored display ads allow you to show your ad to consumers who have viewed your product, viewed other products like yours, or to those who have used search terms related to the product you are offering.
  • Sponsored brand ads: sponsored brand ads work to help grow your business on the Amazon platform. These ads may include the brand’s logo, a customized headline, and multiple products. They help communicate your brand image to customers and encourage them to come back to you – or to pull them to your company if they are purchasing from your competitors.
  • Amazon video ads: look at the big brands on Amazon today and you’ll notice heavy use of video ads. It’s a fantastic way to engage with an audience looking for the products and services you offer. It can work to build your brand on the platform, demonstrate difficult topics, or enhance engagement opportunities with your customers.
  • DSP ads: programmatically buying ads to promote your business makes sense. Our team uses demand-side platform (DSP) access to help you buy display, video, and audio ads for both on and off the Amazon platform. This creates a new and efficient way of building your business.

With so many ad options, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. That’s why Amazon PPC marketing needs to be done with a careful eye and expert assistance. Otherwise, you may run out of money before you see the results you need.

Results-Driven Approach

Ongoing Amazon Campaign Management and Optimization

After launching your Amazon advertising campaign, our team remains engaged and ready to help. Once your campaign is up and running, our goal is to monitor the performance it has over the short and the long term. Even the most well-laid plan may have some opportunities for improvement. By providing oversight on an ongoing basis, we can monitor for these key opportunities. When necessary we can optimize them to ensure you’re getting the best results at the right costs. To do this, we provide a range of help with the Amazon advertising platform and the campaign itself including:
  • Adjusting bids: this can help ensure you are not overspending, rather, you are spending on ads that are most likely to give you the best return. We do this as costs change and to ensure you have the best information as close to real time as possible.
  • Update keywords: keyword trends can change for many reasons. The cost of those keywords can also change. With careful monitoring, we can ensure you are still getting the best ROI for your campaign.
  • A/B split testing: this is a critical strategy for gaining more insight and support for you as we work to grow your business. It helps us to determine if a specific strategy is going to be effective by comparing it to another. We don’t just make assumptions or guesses with your money. We use data to make better decisions.
This type of careful, ongoing marketing can create real opportunities for your success. It also helps make your Amazon marketing services investment more worthwhile. It’s not just a one-time investment to get a campaign launched. It’s ongoing support to ensure that the campaign thrives.
Results-Driven Approach

Amazon Campaign Tracking and Reporting

Oversight and ongoing management of your campaign are both always important to our team. Yet, it can be difficult to know what’s happening if we don’t track it. That’s why Online Stores Hub uses a wide range of tools and resources to create comprehensive reports for you.

The bottom line is this – we track the success and struggles of any PPC campaign. We then report that information to you. Remember, we want to go into every meeting with you and provide good news about your success. That’s why we work so hard to ensure you always have the best possible campaign in place.

Our tracking and reporting include a range of steps, including:

  • Providing frequent updates: reporting on all changes and client-controlled approval process. We always want your feedback. Our goal is to provide you with the tools, information, details, and campaign itself. Then, you remain in control – you pull the trigger on the campaign and take all of the glory for its success.
  • Transparent weekly/monthly reports: informing client on performance, metrics, feedback, and much more. Details can be customized to meet your needs here. We aim to ensure you always have clear, accurate information to base your decisions on going forward.

Our success as a full-service marketing agency comes from your success. By tracking data and reporting on growth and improvements, we can provide you with exceptional decision-making power. That leads to the success of your Amazon business.

How Can Your Business Benefit from Amazon PPC Management Services?

We’re upfront and honest. We know that this is a big decision for most Amazon sellers, especially those just getting started and launching. Yet, that’s why you need our team, too. If you have a limited budget, a specific timeline, or outstanding goals, you want to make sure every dollar you spend on advertising is going to get the most results for your company. Look at an investment in our services as a tool to help your company to thrive, grow, and flourish, far ahead of the competition in many cases.

Amazon Fulfillment FBA Delivery

What Can an Agency for Amazon PPC Management Do to Help My Business?

Before you make any decision  about an agency specialized in Amazon PPC like ours, think about your company from a perspective of success. What will it take for your company to be successful on Amazon or off? What types of resources do you need to achieve those goals? When you work with our agency for Amazon PPC management, we work to provide individualized services that can help foster success within your organization. Let’s take a closer look at the ways we are already helping companies on Amazon through our consulting services.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Improve sales from advertising

This is a must. The competition is using advertising on Amazon to produce results. It’s not possible to find the same results as a new business without an investment in advertising. You can’t just launch your product listing and wait. The key is ensuring you are getting the best sales from those ads.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Improve rankings organically (based on brand discovery and repeat customers)

Sale ranks matter on Amazon for long-term growth. Our team will work with you to ensure your rankings on the site are always moving in the right direction. Organic improvements foster the best sales results.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Give you expert advice and guidance

We provide ongoing assistance, including answering your questions and providing insight into opportunities for your business on Amazon. This is far more support than you’ll get on the Amazon seller forums or Warrior Forum! It’s customized advice delivered directly to your business.
Solutions tailored to your brand

Reduce the amount of time wasted on mistakes

Costly and time sensitive mistakes cost your company money. There’s no way to recoup the investment you make in a failed PPC campaign unless you have support in making better decisions going forward. If it did not work for you before, we’ll help you find out why.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Get more sales from marketing investments

Every dollar you spend is vital to your business, no matter if you are a startup or a long-seasoned business owner. Our goal is to get everything we can from that investment, ensuring your profit margins stay in line with your goals.
Solutions tailored to your brand

Drive positive reviews

Reviews are a critical component to success on Amazon, yet they can also be the most frustrating aspect of it. A core component of the work Online Stores Hub does is help you to manage reviews by driving good, positive reviews to your product listings.
Solutions tailored to your brand

Build more loyal shoppers

These are the buyers you want – they come back time and time again and tell their friends about your products as well. Improving your customer loyalty helps boost ROI significantly.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Gain more brand recognition

Building your brand is the ultimate goal on Amazon. It’s what allows small companies to become recognized brands. Our team is here to make sure your brand is clearly understood and communicated.

What Makes Our Amazon PPC Campaign Strategy the Right Choice?

Working with Online Stores Hub isn’t just about turning a profit. It’s about building successful businesses on the largest eCommerce platform in the country. We take pride in the work we do to provide each one of our clients with the very best level of support and care. When you work with us, you are choosing to work with a company that’s dedicated to your best outcome. We work to stand out in several ways from other agencies specialized in Amazon PPC management:

Solutions tailored to your brand

Solutions tailored to your brand

It’s not just about your company. It’s about building your brand across Amazon and the internet as a whole. That drives true recognizable success.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Stay on top of new tech

We’re using the most advanced tech available to drive results, save money, and ensure the very best Amazon PPC strategies are created.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Expect industry-leading expertise

We stay on top of our game so our clients are always on top of their sales.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Receive one-on-one support

Don’t worry – we know there’s no question you have that’s unimportant or silly. We want to ensure you’re empowered to create the results you desire for your business.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Full transparency, 100%

There are no gimmicks or tricks. We show you what we are doing, tell you why we are doing it, and provide you with the education you need to continue these results even after our partnership ends.

Solutions tailored to your brand

Check out our proven results

We’re happy to provide you with access directly to previous PPC campaigns and insights into our other clients. We’re proud of the work we’ve achieved with each of our clients.

What other marketing agency for your Amazon business can provide such opportunities?

If you’re unsure, reach out to Online Stores Hub

Find out what we do differently to help our clients to thrive.